Kenya Clean Cookstove Initiative

200,000 Free clean cookstoves to underserved communities in Kenya

Promoting Sustainable Cooking Practices in Kenya

In Kenya’s critically important forests, Solaxy is spearheading a transformative initiative to reduce deforestation while improving the health and well-being of local communities. This project addresses the intertwined challenges of unsustainable wood fuel use and respiratory health issues caused by indoor air pollution.

Context and Challenges

In the project area, a staggering 96% of families rely on wood, charcoal, and crop residues for cooking over open fires. This reliance not only places immense pressure on surrounding forests but also exposes families to harmful smoke, increasing the incidence of respiratory illnesses. Women and children, primarily responsible for collecting firewood, face significant time constraints that hinder their ability to engage in education or income-generating activities.

Sustainable Development Goals


Underserved People


Harmful emissions minimized


Women are empowered



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